Thursday 26 October 2017

The Hunger Games & Divergent

Last day, I started reading the last book of The Hunger Games. This saga has three books and three films. So after watching all the films and reading all the books, I think that it's not like most of the sagas that have films and books. I mean, most of the films that have been done because of a book, are usually not as detailed as the books are, or not so similar. Personally, I think tP.hat this saga fulfills the expectative of a perfect match. But this isn't the only saga that has that. The saga Divergent is another one. It's one of my favorites too. It has three films and four books. And the films have a lot of details that are the same in the books. Each author of the two sagas is completely different: The Author of the Hunger Games is Suzanne Collins. She started working in a television company making programs for children. Then she began writing child books, and after this, she finally decided to write science-fiction novels. On the other hand, we have the author of Divergent: Veronica Roth. She loved writing since she was very little, so when she was at university, she started to write a book. She didn't pay attention to the classes because she spent all the time writing. And thanks to that, the saga Divergent was born. After telling you more information about their sagas, I recommend you to see them or to read them if you want.

Maria A. P.
4th ESO A

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