Hi bloggers,
today I’m gonna talk about one of my favourite movies of all time. Forrest
The film tells us the story of a kid Called Forrest
and his life. He tells us the story meanwhile he´s waiting for the bus, and he
talks to many different people before his bus arrives.
The story begins with a Young Forrest going to the
medic clinic to get his orthopaedic prosthesis for his legs. Because of that,
when he started school he got bullied by the other children because of it. But
one girl Jenny didn´t bully Forrest, instead they became best Friends until
Forrest lived with his mother in a big house; to get
money they rent rooms to people.
Later, a bunch of bullies start to chase Forrest so he
starts to run while Jenny says the famous phrase: Run Forrest Run! And in the
process, Forrest prosthesis falls off, curing him from his disease.
Later Forrest starts playing American football, he was
very good at it so he finally played in the AllAmerica team and visited the
president of the moment, John F Kennedy, to get an award.
Then Forrest starts university because of his skills
playing football.
When Forrest finishes university, he signs on the
American Army and he is sent to Vietnam.
In Vietnam he met ``Bubba´´ an African American shrimp
Fisher, and they became close Friends, and Forrest became friend of his
lieutenant ``Dan´´.
Forrest and Bubba make a promise: they will start a
shrimp Enterprise after the war ends.

Forrest starts playing PingPong in the army team, and
he gets very good at it, and because of his skills, he ends playing globally,
and he gets a lot of money.
Forrest, with the money buys a shrimping boat called
``Jenny´´ to make real the promise he did to Bubba.
Dan understands the meaning of life and second
opportunities, and joins Forrest in his enterprise.
They don´t make much money since a Hurricane wipes all
the shrimping boats besides Jenny. They win a lot of money and Dan has the
great idea of invest it in a new Company called ``Apple´´.
They get millionaire because of that. And the money
can maintain Forrest and Dan for the rest of their lives.
Forrest goes to his childhood house with his mother to
stay with his mother her last days. Forrest’s mother dies because of cancer.
Then the bus finally arrives. And Forrest reveals that
he was at the bus stop because Jenny sent him a letter.
When he arrived at Jenny´s house she reveals to him
that she had a son with him called Forrest Gump Jr. And also tells Forrest that
she has an unknown disease (AIDS)
Jenny dies one year later because of AIDS and in the
last scene we can see Forrest with Forrest Jr going into the bus of Jr’s first
day of school.
Víctor F. A.
3rd ESO A
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