Life for Victorian
Children was nothing like childhood in today’s world. Rich and poor children had a very
different life.
Wealthy Victorian Children rarely
communicated with their parents. Parents hire a
nanny or nurse and they instruct her what they wanted to be learned by their
children such as manners, education, how to dress and so on. Nannies
were usually older women that had never been married. Many times nannies were
intolerant and very strict. Although, there were some nannies who were kind and
caring and supplied the only love a child would experience.
poor Victorian Children didn’t have the nice houses to live in or the
extravagant toys, clothes or fine foods that the rich kids had. They lived in
much smaller houses or even single rooms. Without the presence of a nanny the
parents raised the children. Victorian children work at a very young age. As
unbelievable as it sounds, sometimes even 4 or 5 years old. They worked very
hard and for long hours every day. Their parents made them work to help pay the
bills at home.
“La vida per als nens i nenes victorians no s’assembla gens a la infantesa
del món d’avui dia. Les criatures riques i les pobres tenien una vida molt
Els nens/es adinerats rarament es comunicaven amb els seus pares. Aquests
contractaven una mainadera per tal que ensenyés als seus fills modals,
educació, com vestir-se... Acostumaven a ser dones grans que no s’havien casat
mai. Moltes vegades les mainaderes eren intolerants i molt estrictes. Tot i que
també hi havia algunes que eren amables i donaven als nens l’estima que
Els nens/es pobres no tenien cases boniques per viure, ni tampoc
extravagant joguines, roba o exquisits menjars com sí tenien els rics. Vivien en
cases molt més petites i, de vegades, en una simple habitació. Sense la
presència d’una mainadera, els pares eren els que criaven als nens. Aquests
treballaven des d’una edat molt primerenca. Encara que soni impossible, de
vegades era als 4 o 5 anys. Treballaven molt durament i durant moltes hores
cada dia. Els seus pares els feien treballar per ajudar-los a pagar els rebuts
de casa.”
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